Graduates of the specialty acquire professional qualification "Master of Engineering" in professional direction 5.3. Communication and computer technology.
The master's program "Geoinformation technologies in crisis management" is based on the competence model with basic multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, stimulating profile specialization, connectivity and effective use of shared resources between partner higher schools for the acquisition of the Master's degree.
The development of modern communication and computer technologies necessitates their mandatory use in the Earth sciences, in particular in geoinformation technologies with application in the management of crises of a natural nature.
The training program is designed to provide students with knowledge, skills, competencies that will allow them to analyze and assess emergency (crisis) situations, based on a familiar picture of geospace, assess risk and carry out preventive activities, plan and coordinate the operation of the unified rescue system, perform situational analysis and solve complex problems in the field of crisis management and disaster protection with the help of modern computer technologies and the results from innovative activity.
The training is aimed at realizing the concept of optimally harmonizing the student's training in order to obtain basic competence, knowledge and skills in the field of emergency rescue, recovery technologies and resources for the protection of the population in the event of disasters, accidents and catastrophes.
Graduates of the specialty "Geoinformation technologies in crisis management" should possess the following competencies:
- Search and critically evaluate scientific literary sources;
- Synthesize complex information and make flexible strategic decisions in emergency situations;
- To develop and maintain interdisciplinary and intercultural cooperation in complex and unpredictable situations;
- To identify and take responsibility for individual needs for further training in disaster risk management;
- To learn from the experiences and participation of stakeholders and apply lessons learned to build capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability.
- Conduct research, analyze and summarize the relevant conclusions, give assessments and proposals for the effective protection of the population and infrastructure from disasters and catastrophes.
- To show initiative and creativity in dynamically changing conditions.
Professional implementation:
- civil servants at the national level - GDPBZN and RDPBZN - Ministry of the Interior, etc. ministries;
- in regional and municipal administration;
- in non-governmental organizations;
- in state and private companies dealing with: (a) creation and maintenance of spatial data bases; (b) consulting activity in the field of geoinformation technologies;
- qualified specialists in research, design and consulting centers, public opinion research agencies;
- international institutions;
- teachers in universities and colleges.
Acquisition of new knowledge:
- Demonstrate an understanding of key issues and debates related to disaster risk reduction theory and practice. Demonstrate familiarity with different theoretical approaches, practical issues and an appreciation of a range of policies at the international and national levels, including the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Present research-based knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of the three interrelated processes of disaster risk management (disaster risk reduction, emergency response and disaster recovery), and identify scientific challenges in these areas;
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the complex interrelationship of stakeholders in the context of the evolving field of disaster risk management;
- To know the methodology for obtaining geoinformation data, their processing, presentation and visualization;
- To know the basics of geomodeling and geodatabase development;
- To use geoinformation analyzes in the decision-making process;
- Understand the complexity of disaster vulnerability and demonstrate the ability to relate it to health, socio-economic, political, physical and environmental vulnerabilities;
- Critically relate understanding of disaster risk management theories and practices to the political, social, economic and cultural context of disasters.
Building new abilities:
- Apply appropriate methodologies to research theoretical and practical issues in disaster risk management;
- To identify, analyze and assess risk capacities and vulnerabilities and propose appropriate evidence-based interventions;
- Implement and monitor integrated disaster risk reduction, emergency response and disaster recovery activities;
- Assess the importance of environmental parameters, present them in a geospatial environment and monitor their critical values;
- Assess the risk and threat to the population and critical infrastructure and propose adequate prevention measures;
- To know the possibilities of technical means for obtaining geospatial information;
- To extract geodata from previously developed models and databases;
- Communicate academic findings to an interdisciplinary audience;
- Communicate effectively with affected populations and other stakeholders in planning disaster risk management operations.