Graduates of the specialty acquire professional qualification "Master of Engineering" in professional direction 5.3. Communication and computer technology.
The Master's program "Geoinformation Management and Applications" is aimed at creating highly qualified personnel possessing specialized knowledge and skills for the collection, processing, analysis and management of various categories of geospatial data and information resources and their effective delivery to various categories of users.
The goal of the Master's program "Geoinformation Management and Applications" is to provide students with the necessary specialized knowledge, skills, competencies to enable them to collect, process, analyze, manage and integrate geospatial data and information, as well as to create specialized IT applications through the capabilities of modern geoinformation technologies. In addition, they will also have the necessary knowledge related to the standards and formats for geospatial data volumes, as well as for the effective management of large geodata sets.
Graduates of the master's program "Geoinformation management and applications" should possess the following competencies:
- To carry out a process of search, identification and processing of spatially referenced data and information resources;
- To create and organize digital geospatial data objectively characterizing geographic objects and phenomena;
- Synthesize and analyze geospatial data and generate quality geoinformational resources for solving complex and complex problems related to objects and phenomena in geographic space;
- To be able to create and apply complex geospatial models;
- To work at a professional level with modern geoinformation technologies and solutions, including mobile GIS, GNSS, desktop and server GIS, as well as systems for collecting, processing and analyzing data obtained through remote surveys;
- To develop and maintain integrated and multi-user geodatabases;
- To design and develop specialized geoinformation solutions and applications related to the collection, processing, analysis, management and sharing of geospatial data and information;
- Provide effective access to geoinformation resources through the web;
- To know the principles and standards for geospatial data, as well as to be able to ensure their effective management, organization and protection;
- Conduct independent research, analyze and summarize the relevant conclusions, give assessments and proposals for the effective collection, processing and analysis of geospatial data and information.
Graduates of the master's specialty will be able to realize themselves as:
- civil servants at the national, regional and local level, including in institutions whose mission is related to the collection, processing, analysis, management and provision of geoinformation resources and data - ministries, agencies, regional administrations, municipalities, etc.;
- specialists and experts in the private sector - in development and consulting companies and organizations whose subject is related to geoinformation technologies and their application in the field of collection, processing and analysis of geospatial data;
- specialists and experts in non-governmental organizations;
- specialists and experts international institutions;
- researchers in scientific organizations;
- teachers in universities and higher education institutions